Abigor dévoile de nouveaux extraits de son prochain disque
Le combo de Black Metal autrichien Abigor dévoilait en juillet dernier son prochain disque : Höllenzwang.
Ce que nous apprenons désormais, c'est que l'album vient d'être envoyé au pressage, et devrait sortir prochainement via Avantgarde Music.
Découvrez de nouveaux extraits du disque ci-dessous !
"Höllenzwang - chronicles of perdition
is now being sent off to the pressing plant. True to our continuing refusal of commercial marketing, there won´t be any fancy youtube video, tons of merch or other promotion campaigns. This is the first glimpse of what you could expect on the forthcoming album - condensed to 36 minutes of pure aural evil.
The only noteworthy information to pass on is the underlying musical / technical concept of the album: there is no - not one single - additional guitar track recorded. No additional melody, no solo, no doubletracks. Instrumentally, we limited ourselves to record a rather natural and direct album consisting of 2 guitars, a bass and „blastbeat“ free drums. To remember the original idea of early 90s Black Metal which always meant both - TRADITION and at the same time INNOVATION. The past is alive, the black flame burns bright - all hail darkness and evil!"