Le remplaçant de Roope Latvala enfin désigné

Avocat le jour, rédacteur sur Horns Up la nuit et photographe à mes heures perdues.
Après avoir annoncé en mai dernier le départ de Roope Latvala, qui avait accompagné le groupe pendant 12 ans, Children of Bodom a précisé que son remplaçant n'est autre que Daniel Freyberg (Naildown, Norther).Pour rappel, Roope avait été remplacé pour la tournée de cet été par Antti Wirman, le frère du claviériste Janne Wirman, et membre du groupe Warmen.
Au sujet du départ de Roope Latvala, Alexi Laiho a récemment précisé dans une interview pour Artisan News qu'une telle séparation était inévitable compte tenu du degré moindre d'implication du vétéran dans le groupe. Dans le langage simpliste et guère intelligible du finlandais, cela donne ça :
"Well, without going into too many details, you know, I think that… Well, basically, what it was… was that, you know, we had… We were at a phase where we wanted to, sort of, have a new beginning and reinvent ourselves, on a certain level. And everybody — all four of us — were pushing it harder and putting more effort on the band and just working extra, extra hard. And he wasn't quite there with us, you know, as far as the level of work ethics and, you know, stuff like that. So we felt like everyone's better off if we part ways at this point, and that's what happened. And, yeah, it [happened] three days before we hit the studio [to record the new CHILDREN OF BODOM album, 'I Worship Chaos'], but it was not… I mean, it was something that everybody was sort of anticipating already. And I had… To be honest, I had decided, a month or so before that, that I was gonna do all the guitars on the album. Because, like I said, it wasn't just working out with him." (...) "I don't wanna talk shit or anything; it's just that that happens. It's life. And you can't dwell on it. It sucks. It really does, man. He was around for twelve years, and, for us, the band, it really is a family, and losing a member, it's a big deal for us. 'Cause we're not the type of band [where] we change members every other week. But, you know, you've gotta move on. And that's that, really."