Graveyard annonce son retour
On vous annonçait en septembre dernier le split de Graveyard (Psychedelic/Heavy Rock/Blues), dont les différents membres avaient décidé de mettre un terme au projet, suite à des problèmes personnels.
Quelques mois plus tard, les Suédois ont choisi cependant de revenir sur leur choix, en confirmant leur retour en 2017.
Pour cela, le groupe a décidé néanmoins de changer son line-up, puisque le batteur Axel Sjöberg ne poursuivra désormais plus l'aventure avec Graveyard.
Le communiqué officiel du groupe :
"Living isn't always easy and playing in a band doesn't tend to make the noble art of living well any easier. Things weren't working and in the end a change in the line-up was the only option for our return. Graveyard's journey will continue with a yet to be named new future drummer and the reasons behind this change of scenery is something that we don't want, wish or will comment. We're gonna leave it be with Axel's own words: 'Word on the street is that there is a job opening in the drummer's section.' We wish Axel all the best and you can follow his next move with his already set to fly new outfit Big Kizz.
"We'd also like to apologize to each and everyone of you out there for putting you through these uncertain Graveyard times. With that said we're beyond glad to announce that as of today the Graveyard is officially re-opened for business. Albums will be recorded, shows will be played and all of this hopefully for a long, long time to come."