Juliette Lewis pour le supergroupe des membres de Mastodon, Dillinger et The Mars Volta

Co-building Horns Up & 2Guys1TV
Après un coup de téléphone avec Ben Weinman, Jose Mangin (journaliste pour la radio Liquid Metal) annonce que le guitariste de Dillinger Escape Plan serait sur un projet appelé Girafe Tongue Orchestra. Un nouveau groupe mené d'une voix d'ange par Juliette Lewis (et oui !). Un line-up completé avec ni plus ni moins que Brent Hinds de Mastodon, Pete Griffin de Dethklok, et Thomas Pidgen de The Mars Volta. Rien que ça.
Voici quelques mots de Ben Weinman :
"Well actually, there have been some personnel changes throughout the years, it’s something we’ve been working on for a long time and interestingly enough we finished all the music and we’re finalizing all the vocals now, Juliette Lewis is singing on the project right now along with some other guest people."
“…Me and her have become pretty close friends and she’s amazing, obviously I’m a huge fan of her work as an actress and many years ago I saw her band Juliette and the Licks play and like most people I was pretty skeptical. I’m like, “Oh another actress or actor that has a band, like vanity project blah, blah, blah.” So I went into the show and I basically saw somebody that gave 110%. By the end of the show she was drenched in sweat, she was throwing herself into the crowd, and when I thought about it I saw this person putting all her energy and spirit into this music, I thought this was almost more real that most bands because she doesn’t need this.
She doesn’t need to be playing in front of 500 people on this shitty ugly club, you know? She’s a successful actress–she did a 9-minute-long acting scene with Robert DeNiro for god sakes. And here she is by choice in a grungy club with a dirty toilet just putting everything into it, so when we were thinking about singers and people to collaborate, all of a sudden I was like “You know what? I think that could be cool."
Une collaboration au sommet. On attend avec impatience l'album, qui devrait voir le jour via le réseau de Party Smasher Inc.