Babymetal : départ de YuiMetal et nouveau clip vidéo

Dans l'équipe car il était là avant.
Tout se chamboule d'un coup chez BABYMETAL !
Le groupe japonais a officialisé le départ de YuiMetal pour des raisons de santé, via un communiqué sur son site internet.
Comme pour tenter de repartir du bon pied suite à cette foudroyante annonce, BABYMETAL nous offre en contrepartie un nouveau titre sous forme de clip avec Starlight à découvrir ci-dessous.
"Thank you for continually supporting BABYMETAL. We would like to inform you of BABYMETAL’s new beginning which will be effective starting this month’s BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2018 in JAPAN performances.
YUIMETAL had expressed her desire to return performing with the group in the following months after last December’s performance due health concerns. During her absence, both SU-METAL and MOAMETAL as well as the entire staff team had been preparing for her awaited return. However, YUIMETAL came to a decision that she will not be performing at BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2018 in JAPAN and that she will no longer be a part of BABYMETAL. We thank her for all of her contributions and wish her all the best in her future endeavors.
This month’s BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2018 in JAPAN will mark the rebirth in which SU-METAL and MOAMETAL form the core of BABYMETAL.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the fans for the continued support and look forward in what’s next for BABYMETAL. "