Kraków annonce un nouvel album !

Le Max de l'ombre. 29 ans. Rédacteur en chef de Horns Up (2015-2020) / Fondateur de Heavy / Thrash Nostalmania (2013)
Kraków (Experimental Post-Metal), le groupe norvégien dans lequel officient Frode Kilvik (Aeternus, Gravdal, Gaahls Wyrd) et Ask (Hades Almighty, Kampfar), a intitulé son quatrième album « minus ». Celui-ci sortira le 31 août prochain chez Karisma Records.
Pour cet album, le groupe annonce "six morceaux, neuf chanteurs, trois guitaristes, deux batteurs et un bassiste".
Six songs. Nine singers. Three guitarists. Two drummers. One bassist. KRAKOW is back with a new album, summarized in title as minus. The result of laborious and intense work over the course of a year, with two and a half albums’ worth of music chiselled down to one perfected collection of songs, the band is finally ready to reveal details of its upcoming album.
With themes spanning from outer space to the hidden worlds deep below, travelling in time from distant future to nearer past like an inverted space odyssey, we are taken on a journey through stories, as much a reflection of those we tell as a revelation of those we won’t.
Stunning visually, a complete physical design inspired by the music and defined by the patterns that shaped those songs, the vinyl and CD editions promise to be gems as suited to the stereo as to the shelf above it.
And the music, as always stretching towards the outer borders of any attempted genre definition covers the heavy, the subtle, the melodic, the atonal, the groovy, the absolutely ungroovy, the dense, the airy, the naked, and, always, always, that wall of sound where no light can escape before the singer stands there alone with his last story. There are guests, they bring glitz and rock n’ roll as well as a grounding force towards the mountain core. There is beauty, and there is rotten decay, like a lush forested island in a lake of septic water. There are monsters and there are saints, and none of them reveal themselves, we must find those cracks on our own.
It’s a collection of contradictions, is what we’re saying. It’s a KRAKOW album.
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