Un nouvel EP pour BFMV ?

Avocat le jour, rédacteur sur Horns Up la nuit et photographe à mes heures perdues.
Alors que les Gallois de Bullet FOr My Valentine ont sorti l'an dernier un album intitulé Venom, Matt Tuck a annoncé à nos confrères de Kerrang UK que le groupe devrait sortir un EP de cinq titres d'ici la fin d'année 2016 :
"We're planning on doing something special this year as far as music goes. / It hasn't been confirmed yet, but we've been having talks about dropping a five-track EP or something, to give away to the fans. / We would just really like to have something to keep everybody going between albums. The way music has changed and the way people listen to it is king, and you have to adapt and have something to keep people going. It's all talk at this point, but if we get the time and it comes together and it sounds great, we'll definitely get something out this year".
A suivre, donc.