Chris Barnes n'a pas des dreads pour rien

Chroniqueur doom, black, postcore, stoner, death, indus, expérimental et avant-garde. Podcast : Apocalypse
Chris Barnes (Six Feet Under, ex-Cannibal Corpse) est en pleine promotion pour le prochain album de Six Feet Under et accorde donc des interviews à pas mal de médias. Dans l'une d'elles accordée à l'émission radiphonique Metal Shop, le journaliste lui demande dans quelle mesure son déménagement à Seattle est lié au fait que le cannabis est devenu légal dans l'Etat. Réponse de l'intéressé : "Well, it was a big part of it, man, because I felt like for a big portion of my life, over half of my life, I was saying publicly and to myself, if there was ever a place that had legal weed that I loved and would wanna live there, why wouldn't I be there? And I asked myself that question a couple of more times, and sold my house [in Florida] in two days, packed up the house and left within two weeks and got up here.