Den Tunga Döden (ex-Heavydeath) enregistre son premier album

Le Max de l'ombre. 29 ans. Rédacteur en chef de Horns Up (2015-2020) / Fondateur de Heavy / Thrash Nostalmania (2013)
Heavydeath a changé de nom et se nomme désormais Den Tunga Döden ! Le groupe suédois a rejoint les rangs du label Ordo MCM et enregistre actuellement son premier album sous ce nouveau patronyme.
L'album devrait sortir pour la première moitié de 2020.
Affaire à suivre....
After six years, three albums, and countless EPs and demos, the members of Heavydeath have decided to move on with a new chapter, thick as bones piled on heavy stones.
Heavydeath as a name is now a completed chapter, and the band's upcoming album will be released under the band name Den Tunga Döden. Thus, the Sarcophagus in the Sky album and The Newborn single are the last releases from and under the name Heavydeath.
The name change was necessary for the members, as they feel Den Tunga Döden fits their music better, and they wanted a whole new chapter, so to speak. However, the moniker Den Tunga Döden was already a potential band name in 2013 before Heavydeath was chosen. But, the Heavydeath project as it was has simply come to an end.
Nevertheless, as far as music is concerned, Den Tunga Döden will be a continuation of the journey where the Heavydeath chapter ended, but also a development towards darker and heavier dimensions with a name befitting the direction. In short, from now, the band will be seen and heard as Den Tunga Döden.
The first Den Tunga Döden album will be recorded later this year, likely November or December and will be released during the first half of 2020 via Ordo MCM. For more info, consult the links below.