Battleroar annonce un nouvel album !

Le Max de l'ombre. 29 ans. Rédacteur en chef de Horns Up (2015-2020) / Fondateur de Heavy / Thrash Nostalmania (2013)
Quatre ans après « Blood of Legends », le groupe grec Battleroar (Epic Heavy/Power Metal) annonce un nouvel album !
Baptisé « Codex Epicus », ce nouvel opus (leur cinquième !) verra le jour le 15 juin prochain chez Cruz del Sur Music.
Il a été enregistré aux Devasoundz Studios de Athènes et on retrouvera en guest Mark Shelton (Manilla Road).
L'artwork a été confié à Vagelis Petikas.
“Codex Epicus” will mark the second BATTLEROAR album with vocalist Gerrit Mutz (also of SACRED STEEL). Mutz, who can also be heard on the band’s 2017 split with long-running U.S. metal bastions OMEN, is described by Tzortzis as someone who “sings with great passion and strength.” Asked to describe the sound of “Codex Epicus”, the guitarist says BATTLEROAR fans should expect something even more bold and grandiose compared to “Blood Of Legends”, along with some added wrinkles thrown into the mix.
“Musically speaking, the album has some new elements to present,” says Tzortzis. “But, overall, it’s definitely melodic, powerful, doomy and most certainly epic! We worked really hard on the songs and tried to come up with some new twists and turns while properly representing the history of BATTLEROAR.”
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