Joey Jordison explique les raisons de son départ de Slipknot

Dans l'équipe car il était là avant.
Alors que l'on avait le droit à une politique du silence radio sur son départ fin 2013, tant du côté de Joey Jordison que de Slipknot, l'ancien batteur du groupe de l'Iowa a enfin expliquer la raison de cette séparation.
Lors des Metal Hammer Golden Gods qui se sont déroulés hier à Londres, Jordisson a annoncé qu'il avait contracté une myélite transverse, un truc assez vénère qui correspond à une inflammation de la moelle épinière, le rendant incapable d'utiliser ses jambes et donc de faire de la batterie.
Voici une retranscription de son discours lors de la cérémonie :
“(en parlant de Slipknot) I want you all to give praise to them as well. We accomplished a lot in life, every one of them, and I wish them nothing but luck and the best praises. What we created, in the basements of Des Moines, IO, will never be matched. It's one thing that's absolutely unbeatable.
Towards the end of my career in Slipknot, I got really really sick with a horrible disease called transverse myelitis, I lost my legs. I couldn’t play anymore. It was a form of multiple sclerosis, which I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I got myself back, and I got myself in the gym and I got myself back in therapy, to fucking beat this shit. And, if I could do it, you could it. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life, more than fucking anything. To people with multiple sclerosis, transverse myelitis, or anything like that, I am living proof that you can fucking beat that shit. And, fucking metal and all of these fans will do it for you. Thank you so fucking much. [holding back tears as the crowd cheers] To my lady, Amanda! You can beat this shit, no joke. Just the fact that metal lives in your heart, you can accomplish anything.”